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Monday, 19 September 2011

UNEP's evolution, activities and role in environmental protection


                                     1. Evolution and Initial Years
            One cannot but shower accolades on United Nations organization for its foresight on Environment. Way back in 1972,where the very word ‘Environment ‘relating to climate was rare in occurrence, UNO convened a meeting in June 1972.As a result  of the conference called as ‘United Nations Conference on the Human Environment ‘the United Nations Environment program (UNEP)came into existence with its Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya .The mandate and objectives of UNEP are as enshrined in the UN General Assembly resolution 2997(XXVII) of 15th December, 1972.These objectives were amended and became more refined and focused by amendments adopted at UNCED in 1992 ,the Nairobi declaration and Mandate of UNEP adopted at the Nineteenth session of the UNEP Governing council, and the Malmo Ministerial Declaration of 31st May 2000.The main activity of UNEP  is to coordinate United Nations environmental activities, assisting countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices.
                The UNEP was dominant during the first three decades of its existence. There was not much to mention about its achievements except the historic 1987 agreement to protect the ozone layer-the Montreal project.

                                              2. Structure and website
                 UNEP geared up it work in the new millennium with an impressive mission, “to provide leadership and encourage partnership for the environment by inspiring ,informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of Future generations. It spread its wings far and wide throughout the globe. It has now got an impressive structural network with seven divisions, six regional offices, eight liason offices, five out-posted offices, six collaborating centres, eight convention secretariats and six scientific advisory groups to coordinate its activities. Its present website is

                                               3. Important activities
                The scope of UNEP ’s important activities at present are quite comprehensive and can be enumerated as below.
1. Climatic change 2.Disasters and conflicts 3.Ecosystem Management 4.Environmental Governance 5. Management of Harmful substances  6. Resource Efficiency
                                                   4. Latest Project
               Celebrating 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB) is the latest important activity of UNEP . This year is meant to help create and raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity through activities and programs in many countries as as to influence decision makers and to elevate biological diversity nearer to the top of the political agenda.
                                                 5. Remarks

              UNEP is passionate about spreading the message of environmental protection throughout the globe. The concept of ‘Green Earth’ Conspicuous by its omnipresence clearly indicates that UNO is successful in awakening the governments and people to the need for environmental protection. However as in many of its activities UNEP has become the target of allegations that it has become a tool in the hands of the rich countries targeting at prescribing systemic changes in political and economic spheres, in countries which are facing devastation either due to Natural calamities or war ravages. This if true is really unethical. The UNEP should moderate its functioning in such a way that it is perceived like an independent global body. Mankind would be thankful to it for such impartial functioning.

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Need for United Nations protection for environment

          Glaciers started melting. Tsunamis began attacking .Earthquakes became more frequent. Global warming is staring in our face. Earth’s temperature began rising up. El Nino became a regular phenomenon. All these portents rang alarm bells for mankind to take notice that Nature cannot be a mute spectator when it is carelessly and very casually degraded. In the last half century, which marked man’s giant strides in industrial and technological advancements, man’s disregard for nature was conspicuous by its brazenness. Environment, which has now become the buzzword everywhere was almost am unknown word, a decade back. Man was forced to realize that, however technologically advanced he may be, he has to live in sync with nature and nature cannot be taken for granted. Environment not only needs to be protected, but also is to be improved. It is this realization that makes Environmental protection a very important concept now-a-days. It  is surely going to remain so forever in near future.
           Environment is a Global concept .To be effective and result-oriented coordinated efforts by an international organization with proven abilities and participation by all countries  are highly desirable .It is in this background, the role of United Nations in Environment protection becomes crucial in spreading the message for Environmental protection throughout the globe.

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Saturday, 17 September 2011

Disadvantages or risks in HRM outsourcing

When there is a decision to be made on outsourcing by managers, there is necessity to retain the required skills for fulfilling the role of intelligent customer and also of vendor-manager. This is required to ensure an exit with fewer costs involved in case the arrangement with outsourcing does not work. But this necessity is often overlooked.

The following points can be drawn with outsourcing of Information systems.
Ø      Degradation or loss of services available internally.
Ø      Control loss.
Ø      Issues with corporate security.
Ø      Qualifications of personnel brought from outside.
Ø      Negative effect on the morale of the employee.

There are serious doubts expressed on outsourcing regarding the quality of services it provides to users as it is driven by a motto of cost reduction. Also differences in HR requirements as required by various strategies can imply changing needs for outsourcing of HR. The questions which arise for these points are how outsourced HR functions can be linked to organisational strategy and what criteria is to be used for measuring the skill of service supplier of HR.

In outsourcing of HR, quality control is difficult as the process involved is external. When a process is internal, tools to improve quality can be applied by the company. By receiving a solution or product that is off-the-shelf, there can be problems relating to its quality. Also the flexibility of a company decreases when it depends on its suppliers through outsourcing.

With HR outsourcing, there can be loss of commitment and trust on the part of the staff. Staff can be affected by survival syndrome which is an outcome of delayering. This can lead to increase in staff turnover and significant decrease in productivity. Some researchers believe that outsourcing of HR is a fad and will go to a greater extent as is predicted. They feel that it is not wise to let a vendor take decisions on important tasks like payroll and feel that a person with the company can do such tasks well compared to an external source

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Rationale for HR outsourcing

Rationale for Outsourcing                
General Rationale
Outsourcing provides greater economics of scale, flexibility, cost of savings, and effectiveness and expertise to a firm. Outsourcing has a strategic dimension too. Outsourcing strategy is an important value differentiator in present day dynamic market environment involving heavy investments.

Rationale for HR outsourcing
While the above rationales in general apply to HR outsourcing also, it is facilitated more by revolutionary developments in communication technology. The opportunities in HRM outsourcing has been realised by the companies with the advent of databases and support systems for management decisions. The outsourcing provides for web-based self service, which is very comfortable for the employers. New portal technology facilitates providing various requirements at a single point.

The in-house establishment and development of e-HRM applications require substantial investments and expertise. There is continuous escalation in expenditure for maintaining and upgrading the technologies, which prompted the companies to think in terms of outsourcing, because the practice of outsourcing already exists in other operations. Apart from these, HR always has a non-core-function tag, which contributed to increasing tendency to outsource it without much risk. According to the Institute of Personnel Development, the single largest reason for outsourcing HRM can be said to be the core-business concept. As the businesses became more and more competitive, the organisations began feeling that it would be more prudent to concentrate all their energies and expertise on their core-business and leave the HRM to outsourcing.

It is the experience of some organisations, which outsourced some low-end HRM functions, that with such outsourcing the managements were free to bestow greater attention to more important HR functions like Change-management skills and project management skills. HR outsourcing is considered to be a strategic tool for gaining competitive advantage. It frees the HR and other managers to leave aside the low-end HRM functions and concentrate on more important issues.

The other important reasons for HR outsourcing are cutting administrative and high transaction cost activities minimizing the work-burden of regular employees, taking advantage of economies of scale, gaining expertise and skill from outside vendors and improving efficiency and quality.

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Outsourcing and Types of HR outsourcing Providers

Outsourcing means giving some specified service to an outside party under a contract with overall control remaining with the company. When an organisation does not want to utilise its internal resources for performing certain functions or activities it opts to entrust such activities to an outside agency or organisation, which has got the necessary competencies for such functions, to attend to them.
Types of HR Outsourcing Providers
Human Resources Outsourcing services can be classified into four categories . They are
v     Professional Employer Organisations(PEO).
v     Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).
v     Application Service Providers (ASPs).
v     eServices.
1. Professional Employer Organisations
The major HR functions can be listed as below.
Ø      Recruitment of personnel.
Ø      Training, both induction and on the job.
Ø      Monitoring of health and Safety measures.
Ø      Management of payroll services.
Ø      Specialist legal services.
Ø      Services relating to employee welfare, fitness and counselling.
The Professional Employer organisations take over complete responsibility for the entire gamut of tasks relating to Human resources Management starting with recruitment, the training of the personnel, their delayering and even performance appraisals are attended to by the PEO.

2. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Business Process Outsourcing represents outsourcing of various management and operational functions. Applied to HRM, a BPO provides the company with management information system to support the company’s HR functions. Usually the arrangement provides for self access to the company.

3. Application Service Providers (ACPs) or e-Services
Application Service Providers present the required software on the web and lease it out to the companies in need. The software consists of both off-the-shelf applications and customised HR software developed by the provider. The software caters to limited functions like payroll management.

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War and Conflict

‘War’ can be defined as a continuous state of violence between two or more armed and organized groups. The groups can be either nations or some transnational groups. War usually involves mobilization of armies to fight for land or resources (Heuser, 2008).
Conflict’ on the other hand is a state of hostility which does not involve any armed fight but only results in strained relations between the two groups in conflict( Heuser, 2008).
The causes for way may be broadly classified as (1.) Religious causes,(2.) Dynastic causes, (3.) Political causes, and (4.) Economic causes. Religious causes are historical in the sense those wars were fought for the spread of religion like Islam. They lost their relevance in the modern world (Heuser, 2008).
Regarding other three reasons, it is difficult to pinpoint any particular factor as a cause for a war. For example, a monarch might have invaded a country citing hereditary family rights on that country. Prima facie it is a dynastic reason but the real reason may be that he might have set his eye on the resource of that country. Wars though usually are fought on some prima facie reasons, the main reason might be a combination of all the four above mentioned reasons (Heuser, 2008).
The causes for conflict are not as broad based and complex as those for war. These causes are mostly based on disagreements between the connected parties. Apart from this, conflict is different from war in another important context. While war can occur between nations or bigger groups, conflict can occur between individuals also like conflict in workplaces. But where ever they occur, they occur due to difference of opinion only (Heuser, 2008).
Heuser,B.(2008,October). "Misleading Paradigms of War: States and Non-State Actors, Combatants and Non-Combatants", War and Society ,27 (2),1-24.

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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Microsoft Tools Vs Open Source Tools

           There are many open-source spread sheet programs like Gnumeric, GNU Oleo, KSpread, Calc, SIAG, Simple Spreadsheet and wikiCalc. Gnumeric has windows installers and comes inclusive of GNOME desktop and transfer data in various file formats like LaTeX,Microsoft Excel or HTML. It is mainly helpful with scientific and statistical tasks. While GNU Oleo is a lightweight spreadsheet package older than Gnumeric, KSpread is part of KDE Desktop Environment and OpenOffice.Org is part of package and the rest are also equally capable free spreadsheet programs (Auza, 2008).

             There are many open source databases like Apache Derby, Cassandra, Memcached, Mongo DB,Neo4j ,Hypertable to mention a few. Apache Derby is under the Apache License and an open source relational database fully implemented in Java(“Open Source Database Engines in Java”,2010). Cassandra is distributed open source database used by social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter and Digg(“25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines”,2010).
            Among the open source word processing programs,, K-Office, Bean, AbiWord(Granneman,2005) are prominent ones. Bean is rich-text editor and easy-to-use word processor useful for making convenient writing (Hoover, 2009). Following is price comparison table (Gupta, 2010) for open-source software and proprietary software.
          Regarding choice of OS, I would like to go for open source software, because of the heterogeneity, compatibility, flexibility and security it offers.


“25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines”(2010).WebResources Depot.Retrieved January 25,2011 from

Auza,J.(2008,Mar.4).”Free/Open Spreadsheets”.TechSource.Retrieved January 25,2011 from

Granneman,S.(2005,Nov.8).”3 open source word processors compared”,The OpenSourceBlog. Retrieved January 25,2011 from

Gupta,M.(2010,Feb 22).Price Comparison Table:When or When not to use Open Source LMS.G-CUBE SOLUTIONS. Retrieved January 25,2011 from

Hoover,J(2009,Jan.24).“Bean:a free word processor for OSX”. Retrieved January 25,2011 from

“Open Source Database Engines in Java”(2010).Retrieved January 25,2011from


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Open Source Technologies-Problems and Business and Technology Issues

1. Problems addressed by open source technologies
Linux and other open source technologies address the following problems prominently.
Ø      The costs for a company are cut down to greater extent by using these technologies. Most of the open source software can be procured without cost (Fink, 2003).
Ø      Lapses in security are avoided. The code of the open source software is accessible in public domain. Those this availability of code can be exploited by hackers, the security of Linux is very strong. Apart from this, there is flexibility to install open source software at different levels of security in a computer (Fink, 2003).
Ø      Process of work gets smoother due to usage of this software as it follows industry standards as compared to closed source software (Fink, 2003).
Ø       Stability is provided while using open source technologies like Linux as operating systems. If there is Windows system, there will be issues of frequent rebooting, but such problems are avoided with Linux as it rarely crashes. Even while crashing, it does not harm kernel(Fink,2003).
2. Business and Technology Issues to be considered while using open-source software
            When existing software is being migrated to open-source environment like Linux, open-source equivalents should be explored for applications which are existing. This does not mean that all commercial applications can be replaced by open source. There can be migration to open source when only a fraction of the existing commercial applications are used (Fink, 2003).
            When migrating desktop environment, care should be taken that there is retraining to a greater extent other applications used in infrastructure apart from the one being done on operating system. Also it is to be made sure that all the web applications and user applications work with the Web-browsers based on Linux (Fink, 2003).
For using open source in business, the following pointers have to be considered (Fink, 2003).
Ø      The demands of the user have to be met as users are the developers and their input is significant.
Ø       An experienced software development manager is needed to run the project with an eye on quality and sometimes few components have to be rewritten to suit the user’s needs.
Ø      It might not be possible for the product to meet the requirements of all consumers. So software needs to be remodelled to suit the market requirements.
Ø      Management of people and their talents should be taken care of and there should be proper roadmap laid down for the execution of events. There should be right mix of corporate training and training on engineering processes.
Ø      There should be a very clear plan for migration and communication when there is transition from the current system to open source technologies.
Ø      Care should be taken that IP address is not transferred to other companies.


Fink,M. (2003).The business and economics of Linux and open source.Upper Saddle River,NJ:Rentice Hall PTR.

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Friday, 9 September 2011

Importance of simplification of radical expressions before adding or subtracting

Simplifying radicals is important because basing on the root used for a number, the radical might simplify to be either a number of a radical. Only after simplification, we can know the exact irrational form of the number. When numbers are in such form, we can look for numbers with same radicals or otherwise we can look for like terms. The rules which are used with addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions can be used for radicals here treating the irrational parts as variables.

When we add  ,we cannot immediately add or subtract the terms, but extracting the numbers outside the roots and simplifying them, we have

So with simplification we can figure out like terms and combine them. So simplification is a must with radical expressions.
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Similarity and Differences between adding rational expressions and polynomial expressions.

When polynomials expressions are added, the like terms are evident by mere inspection as the variables need not be further simplified. But with radical expressions, it is a must that the expressions are simplified to figure the like terms.

Simplification is mandatory while adding radical expressions but while adding polynomial expressions; there is not need for further simplification before addition.
In the above example of addition of polynomial expressions, no further simplification was needed prior to group and addition of like terms.
In the above example with adding rational expressions, simplification is a must before proceeding with categorizing like terms and adding them.

The similarity between addition of radical expressions and that of addition of polynomial expressions is that same rules are applied for addition in either case, but in radical expressions rules are applied after simplification.

Radical expression area grouped in similar way as terms in polynomial expressions while adding.
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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Three myths regarding comparative advantage

 The three myths of this comparative advantage are
A High wage country cannot afford free Trade with a low wage country. The high wage country will be undersold in everything. This myth is not true because labour is only one of the factors of production and constitutes input cost factor. The high wage country may have abundance of other inputs which are cheaper as a result of which the overall cost of the product may be low and price can be fixed at a competitive level.

A low productivity country cannot afford free trade with a high productivity country. The former will be upstaged and decimated in industrial sector by the latter.

Again this myth cannot be totally true. In a way it says that a country, which has low productivity should close its borders to outside goods and produce everything by themselves, which is incorrect. Again high productivity is picturised as ‘absolute advantage’. Inspite of a country having a low productivity, it will have comparative advantage in some aspects and they can take advantage of the same.

International trade decreases the total number of jobs in a country.

It is true that in some sectors there may be drop in employment on opening up the economy.  But there will be creation of employment in some sectors. As the international trade grows there will be a steady growth in employment. Moreover nowadays, even international organisations opt for employment of local labour for saving costs.

Thus all the three myths arising out of comparative advantage are incorrect.
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