1. Evolution and Initial Years
One cannot but shower accolades on United Nations organization for its foresight on Environment. Way back in 1972,where the very word ‘Environment ‘relating to climate was rare in occurrence, UNO convened a meeting in June 1972.As a result of the conference called as ‘United Nations Conference on the Human Environment ‘the United Nations Environment program (UNEP)came into existence with its Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya .The mandate and objectives of UNEP are as enshrined in the UN General Assembly resolution 2997(XXVII) of 15th December, 1972.These objectives were amended and became more refined and focused by amendments adopted at UNCED in 1992 ,the Nairobi declaration and Mandate of UNEP adopted at the Nineteenth session of the UNEP Governing council, and the Malmo Ministerial Declaration of 31st May 2000.The main activity of UNEP is to coordinate United Nations environmental activities, assisting countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices.
The UNEP was dominant during the first three decades of its existence. There was not much to mention about its achievements except the historic 1987 agreement to protect the ozone layer-the Montreal project.
2. Structure and website
UNEP geared up it work in the new millennium with an impressive mission, “to provide leadership and encourage partnership for the environment by inspiring ,informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of Future generations. It spread its wings far and wide throughout the globe. It has now got an impressive structural network with seven divisions, six regional offices, eight liason offices, five out-posted offices, six collaborating centres, eight convention secretariats and six scientific advisory groups to coordinate its activities. Its present website is http://www.unep.org
3. Important activities
The scope of UNEP ’s important activities at present are quite comprehensive and can be enumerated as below.
1. Climatic change 2.Disasters and conflicts 3.Ecosystem Management 4.Environmental Governance 5. Management of Harmful substances 6. Resource Efficiency
4. Latest Project
Celebrating 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB) is the latest important activity of UNEP . This year is meant to help create and raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity through activities and programs in many countries as as to influence decision makers and to elevate biological diversity nearer to the top of the political agenda.
5. Remarks
5. Remarks
UNEP is passionate about spreading the message of environmental protection throughout the globe. The concept of ‘Green Earth’ Conspicuous by its omnipresence clearly indicates that UNO is successful in awakening the governments and people to the need for environmental protection. However as in many of its activities UNEP has become the target of allegations that it has become a tool in the hands of the rich countries targeting at prescribing systemic changes in political and economic spheres, in countries which are facing devastation either due to Natural calamities or war ravages. This if true is really unethical. The UNEP should moderate its functioning in such a way that it is perceived like an independent global body. Mankind would be thankful to it for such impartial functioning.