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Sunday, 5 August 2012

Relation between Energy Intake, Dietary Intake and Energy Density

 Relation between Energy Intake, Dietary Intake and Energy Density

It is observed that consumption of diet having low energy density by adults reflects consumption of higher amount of food (on the basis of weight). But at the same time, the above category of adults has lesser energy intake as compared to people who consume diet with higher value of energy density . Energy density relating to a range of patterns of diets which include higher amounts of fats can be reduced with the addition of vegetables and fruit. Research reports give support to hypothesis that relation does exist between consumption of diet with obesity and energy density apart from providing evidence to the importance of vegetable and fruit consumption for the management of weight .

Using Energy Intake, Dietary Intake and Energy Density as predictor of obesity

For losing weight effectively, one needs to take either foods with lesser kilojoules than the person is currently consuming or the person needs to exercise well to burn the extra amount of kilojoules. The perfect combination for manageable fat and long-term fat loss is the balance for good nutrition along with active lifestyle. The importance of exercise to equation for calculating fat loss is not considered in most of the cases. Exercise helps in increasing the metabolic rate of the body in order to accelerate the energy amount that is burnt up during the exercise process. The resistance training specifically helps in increasing the RMR or the resting metabolic rate of a person. This is because of the increase in the ratio of lean muscle (mass) to that of fat mass.
The cardio is highly helpful in burning the fats stored in the body. This matches with program related to weights that can increase the metabolism or lean tissue. This combination is required for fat loss which can be long lasting. Fat burns more during sleep. Investigations from laboratory give an indication that food consumption having low values of energy density in kcal/g reduces the value of energy intake.

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Calculation of Energy Intake, Dietary Intake and Energy Density

D1. Calculation of Energy Intake

For calculating energy intake, the following steps have to be followed.
1.)    The person has to find out his BMR or basal metabolic rate in accordance with weight and age.
2.)    In the second step , the BMR has to be multiplied in accordance with the activity level(The tables of BMR, Exercise activity/minute and Activity level have to be taken into consideration). The equation goes as  BMR *[Activity level]= -----------
3.)    The fat loss (recommended)  can be multiplied by 20%  to give the requisite amount of the maintenance eating.    Level of fat loss (recommended) * 20% = maintenance intake (recommended) ---------------.
4.)    One of the exercise activities is to be selected that is in /min rates and multiply it by the number of minutes spent in training.
5.)    To finally reach the energy intake in calories, divide the value in step 4 by 4.18

D2. Calculation of Dietary Intake

      The dietary intake calculator can be used for working out a person’s recommended intake on day-to-day basis.
1.)    The daily activity level of a person should be found out that is not having any activity (bedridden) or whether he/she is pursuing
§         Sedentary activities like reading
§         Light activity like occasional walking
§         Moderate activity like standing work or walking
§         Heavy activity like those of farmers or athletes with high-performance.
§         Very heavy activity like strenuous activity or sports-related activity in addition to sedentary/moderate/light activities as mentioned above.
The intakes on daily basis can be taken from Reference Values of Nutrients for New Zealand and Australia.
In the dietary calculator, the values that have to be applied are to be selected with respect to the age group. The energy variance that is the percent of values of Daily Intake utilized in the calculator are based on the average diet of an adult. Different people require different quantum of the energy of food at different stages of their lives due to varying activity levels. An example for this is that of an active teenager who requires greater energy from food as compared to a aged person who is sedentary. Additionally a dietary advice from an Accredited and professional practicing dietician can be found on the website of Australian Dietitians Association.


D3. Calculation of Energy Density

            For calculating energy density from the Panel of Nutrition Facts from food label, the calories have to be divided by weight.
Energy Density= (Calories per weight)/ (serving per weight)

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Energy Intake, Dietary Intake & Energy Density

A. Energy Intake

Energy intake is considered to be part of diet that is mainly regulated by the hunger of a person and the energy that is consumed by him/her. It is difficult to measure a person’s energy intake. The reason for this is that though a human being consumes varied amounts of every component of their daily diet, all the components in the food consumed do not provide energy. An example for this can be cited to be that of a person eating cake. The butter or eggs that are consumed are not likely to weigh the same each time. This is applicable to each vegetable or fruit that is consumed . A fruit of a specific category or from same tree is not expected to have the same energy (calorific) value. There are differences in sizes and the sugar proportions change as the ripening of fruit progresses. Components of a specific food which are digested, absorbed and required for usage in the processes of the body are termed as nutrients. Nutrients are further divided into categories-macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients(minerals and vitamins) and water. While macronutrients, provide the requisite energy, micronutrients are the food groups that are required for the functioning of the body and are not the sources of energy in the body .

B. Dietary Intake

            Dietary intake includes all beverages and foods consumed orally. It is also defined as the average of the daily intake of a food or nutrient in the long-run . The dietary intake (recommended) relates to a particular quantity of specific type of nutrients which are required in single day for good health. Items which are not taken to be in the foods category like condiments and dietary supplements and those that contain nutrients or energy are included as part of energy intake. But this does not happen always. This is because the above items are not included in the dietary assessment intake . It is due to problems with information missing about their composition, quantification or identification.

C. Energy Density

            The amount of the energy stored in a specific region/system of the space /unit volume is termed as ‘Energy Density’ . In most of the cases energy that is useful/ extractable will be quantified while energy that is inaccessible chemically like the mass energy at rest will be ignored. Quantifiable energy is the energy that is quantified with respect to magnitude in terms of related units. The foods having lesser energy density do provide lesser calories/gram compared to foods having higher value of energy density. A person can consume greater portion of food for the same calories that is having lesser energy density as compared to foods having higher value of energy density.

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