Assignment Design Services

Sunday 5 August 2012

Calculation of Energy Intake, Dietary Intake and Energy Density

D1. Calculation of Energy Intake

For calculating energy intake, the following steps have to be followed.
1.)    The person has to find out his BMR or basal metabolic rate in accordance with weight and age.
2.)    In the second step , the BMR has to be multiplied in accordance with the activity level(The tables of BMR, Exercise activity/minute and Activity level have to be taken into consideration). The equation goes as  BMR *[Activity level]= -----------
3.)    The fat loss (recommended)  can be multiplied by 20%  to give the requisite amount of the maintenance eating.    Level of fat loss (recommended) * 20% = maintenance intake (recommended) ---------------.
4.)    One of the exercise activities is to be selected that is in /min rates and multiply it by the number of minutes spent in training.
5.)    To finally reach the energy intake in calories, divide the value in step 4 by 4.18

D2. Calculation of Dietary Intake

      The dietary intake calculator can be used for working out a person’s recommended intake on day-to-day basis.
1.)    The daily activity level of a person should be found out that is not having any activity (bedridden) or whether he/she is pursuing
§         Sedentary activities like reading
§         Light activity like occasional walking
§         Moderate activity like standing work or walking
§         Heavy activity like those of farmers or athletes with high-performance.
§         Very heavy activity like strenuous activity or sports-related activity in addition to sedentary/moderate/light activities as mentioned above.
The intakes on daily basis can be taken from Reference Values of Nutrients for New Zealand and Australia.
In the dietary calculator, the values that have to be applied are to be selected with respect to the age group. The energy variance that is the percent of values of Daily Intake utilized in the calculator are based on the average diet of an adult. Different people require different quantum of the energy of food at different stages of their lives due to varying activity levels. An example for this is that of an active teenager who requires greater energy from food as compared to a aged person who is sedentary. Additionally a dietary advice from an Accredited and professional practicing dietician can be found on the website of Australian Dietitians Association.


D3. Calculation of Energy Density

            For calculating energy density from the Panel of Nutrition Facts from food label, the calories have to be divided by weight.
Energy Density= (Calories per weight)/ (serving per weight)

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