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Thursday, 3 January 2013

Aspects affecting workplace economics-part-1

The Human Relations Movement’s objects became more extensive and gave birth to more intense study and research. (Human Relations Movement, 1998). The toil is found worth the trouble. The following aspects emerged from various studies.
1. Social system nature of organizations
            Organizations are not merely technical and economic systems but are social systems as well. The entities are not merely organizations which use technology for production and pay the workers for their work. They are much more than that. They are social systems in the sense that the workers establish many relations amongst them selves like those in any social group. (Greenberg& Baron 2003).
2. Need-based motivation of the people
               People are motivated by many needs. This stands in stark contrast to the traditional belief that monetary benefits like a hike in salary or a gift are enough to motivate a worker. Many a time a pat on the back for the good work done by a worker works more wonders than a monetary incentive or a gift . Many issues and areas were found where the needs of the workers cannot be met with to motivate them. (Jewell, 1998)
3. Nature of Behaviour of workers
             People are not always likely to behave in a logical or rational manner. The way of behaviour is let known to every employee at the entry point itself into the organization. The employees are expected to stick to this code of behaviour. But, as we have already discussed, the work place is like a social setup. People in such a setup do have all the feeling, frustrations, relations, hilarious moments, conflicts and reconciliations present in a social setup. These give rise to certain occurrences which are not always strictly in line with the code of behaviour. (Greenberg& Baron 2003).So any violation of code of behaviour, before being viewed seriously, should be analyzed from this angle also. People may sometimes even forget that they are in their workplace and their behaviour is to be controlled by a code. They give vent to their feelings and frustrations and the same may not be rational or logical. (Greenberg& Baron 2003).
              Some people are sociable and aggressive while some others are silent and submissive. Some are punctual and hardworking while some others are lazy and lack punctuality. Some are optimistic and assertive while some others pessimistic and reserved. (Greenberg& Baron 2003).
             These basic qualities of different people are complex and difficult to interpret and come out only on the demands of the situation. To complicate matters further, personality is a complex and indefinable concept. (Greenberg& Baron 2003). It has to be defined from different perspectives. The employee’s personality together with his attitude decides his behaviour and job performance in an organization. When the personality itself is so complex to analyze and define, it would be hasty and catastrophic, to expect the outcome to be logical and rational. Dealing with it should be objective but not subjective. (Greenberg& Baron 2003).

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