1. Fine Tuning of workplace economics
In the initial years of
employment, an employee is satisfied with monetary part of his compensation.
Monetary incentives appeal to him. Fringe benefits like certain allowances
–Annuity schemes, Medical facilities, Medical Insurance ,ESOPs and such other benefits satisfy him .All
these are tangible benefits ,most of which are taken care of by legislative
measures. (Carey,1967).
As time passes on the employee
realizes that there is something more that he needs to get some satisfaction
out of his job apart from mere monetary gains. (Daft&
Noe,2001) He yearns for respect,
identity, recognition, creativity and social context. While the tangible salary
and other prerequisites and fringe benefits provide him financial security, his
psychological yearnings require more than mere monetary benefits to satisfy him
and motivate him. (Daft& Noe, 2001). The
sole platform for providing fodder to this psychological yearning is workplace.
We now examine what measures need to be taken for bettering the workforce
environment (Daft& Noe, 2001).
2. Workplace Economics –Requirements
2.1. Attitudinal Change
first prerequisite for bettering workplace environment is a change in the
attitude of managerial personnel. They are hitherto accustomed to look down
upon the workers as tools of production
which can be used as and when required and thrown out when not required. They
profess once and again that they realized the importance of HR policies but
faltered to deceive whenever the occasion arose.( Schultz & Schultz,2002) The merciless retrenchment of
employees in software and manufacturing industries even on a small indication
of a business drop exposed their true colors as opportunists. Such
opportunistic behaviour doesn’t endear them to the workers and instill
confidence. What is needed is a true change in their attitude towards the
workers. (Spector,2000)
2.2. Recreational Facilities
“All work and no play make Jack a
dull boy” goes the saying. Employees should be provided proper recreational
facilities by way of libraries, indoor games and outdoor games to refresh
themselves. This provision not only enhances their productivity but also
enriches the camaraderie among the workers which in turn contributes to team
work. The recreational facilities also make them fitter physically to respond
ably to the demands of physical work in the organization(Turner, 1933).
2.3. Communication
This is
the most important contributor to workplace environment. One way communication
hitherto prevalent in industry should be replaced by two-way communication in a
way that it becomes a tool for understanding fully what is expected of them.
(Turner, 1933).
There should not be any ego or apprehension
from any side in communication and this leads to transparency, which is a new
virtue among the corporates. A lot has been discussed about communication in
earlier paragraphs. Hence the same is not repeated here. (Whitehead,1938).
2.4. Treatment of women and sexual harassment
This is
another very important aspect which should be taken care of for bettering the
work place environment. As the industrial activity intensified all over the
world, women became an integral part of our work force. Even though we shout
hoarse that women and men do not really have equal chances of exhibiting their
talents. However talented they are women are bound by family and children and
lag behind men. Policies which enable women with family care responsibilities are
lacking in work places. (Moorhead & Griffin ,
2004) So many women however talented they are leaving their jobs for family and
children. Facilities should be provided to retain such women(Moorhead & Griffin ,
Sexual harassment in workplaces is another
malady plaguing the workplace. Measures should be taken to eradicate it and
provide a congenial atmosphere for women to work.
2.5. Improving Soft Skills
Skills refer to a group of personal qualities like communication ability,
personal habits, language skills, friendliness and optimism that influences
relations with other people. Soft Skills are the new requirements of the
present day industry and business .Soft skills complement the hard skills like
proficiency in work and make a person a successful and very useful employee for
the organization(Wilson ,1999).
While a
very few people are born with soft skills, these skills are usually cultivable.
Workplace economics has a very important place for soft skills like
socializing, team work, participating in a team in cultural activities,
decision making, problem-solving, active listening, interacting positively with
others. Efforts should be made to inculcate these soft skills among employees
so that workplace will be an enriching ground for them to extract mental and
social happiness (Wilson , 1999).
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