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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Globalization and effect on workplace environment

Gone were the thoughts that the managerial personnel were the only drivers, instrumental in driving the company along a pre-decided course. They are replaced to a large extent by the workforce, who have to put their shoulders to the wheel. The companies realized this aspect and began paying attention to the role of workforce and that led to the evolution of the concept of workforce welfare and the Human Relations policies. (Jex , 2002) There is no surprise that in the present day corporate world, there is no corporate entity without a clear HR policy. The importance given by Management experts to focus more and more on improving HR policies tell the story behind the importance of workforce (Aamodt,2004).

One needs to understand fully the concept of human relations in Industry to realize the importance of workforce in the development of industry.(Berry,1998). For long unfortunately humans are considered to be some machines which can be used when needed and thrown when not. The situation did not fare well for the industry as there was no commitment and motivation among the workers to deliver more. They were mechanical in their approach and worked for a living with no attachment to their entity and no dedication to their work. (Greenberg & Baron, 2003).

A peep into history of industry reveals that this attitude towards workforce is an outgrowth of too much of capitalism and human egoism. There was a time nearly a century ago, the workers were treated well and handed out a much better treatment. ”Eight hours to work, eight hours to sleep, eight hours to be a human being”, was the slogan of Abbe, the founder of the Carl Zeiss Stiftung foundation, with which he introduced eight-hour day work in the Zeiss optical Factory in Jena ,Germany in 1900(Abbe,1906). But subsequent developments in Industrial sector made the work’s position weak and managerial positions strong. But subsequent developments in Industrial sector made the worker’s position weak and managerial positions strong. But the issue of Industrial relations and worker’s welfare could not be kept in cold storage for long because it was realized that for success of a business, productivity is one of the main factors and that productivity is linked to Industrial relations and worker welfare. The aspect attracted the attention of premier Management institutes which conducted extensive studies on the aspect. In the 1920s and 30’s F.J.Roethlisberger and Elton Mayo of Harvard University(Roethlisberger & Dickson,1939) conducted Industrial experiments at Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne plant to study human behaviour at work and found a positive correlation between productivity  and worker participation. They concluded that workers are the most important part of an organization. (Roethlisberger & Dickson,1939) The research continued in 1940s and 50’s when several organizations continued studies on human behaviour at work. The Research for Group dynamics, University ofMichigan and Personnel Research Board, Ohio State University conducted research in motivation and leadership (Leadership Behavior and Motivation,2010). The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations inLondon carried out research on various subjects relating to workers. (Human Relations Movement, 1998).The National Training Laboratories in Bethel Maine, focused on Group dynamics (The National Training Laboratory and the Overseas Education Association,2010). The findings from all these studies helped managerial personnel to understand human behaviour at work and the importance of human relations in work place.

The importance of worker welfare, thus being realized as a paramount factor for productivity, it is quite but natural that the common habitat for the workforce becomes the focal point for implementation of various measures for worker welfare. By common habitat, we mean the workplace, where the workers spend nearly 50% of their time. Before going further into discussion about the betterment of workplace environment, let us first discuss about what it means. (Bowditch,  & Buono,2001).

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