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Thursday 18 August 2011

Basic functions of a cell

Basic functions of cell include conversion of energy, reproduction and transport of molecules.
Energy Conversion: Energy is obtained in cell through the process of oxidation. Cellular respiration results in oxidation of food materials. For the cells of living organisms like certain bacteria, animals and some protests, carbohydrates are oxidized as taken from the environment of the organism. Few other organisms like plants, algae and bacteria prepare carbohydrates by photosynthesis and oxidize them to get energy.
After other foods and carbohydrates are oxidized, the chemical energy gets locked into a chemical structure called ATP (Adinosine Triphosphate).The ATP is utilized by the cell by the process which requires energy and the chemical energy is released by the breaking of ATP. The cells will then replenish ATP through the process of oxidation of food stuff.
Reproduction of Cells: Majority of human cells are replaced are reproduced frequently and replaced during an individual’s life. The process differs with the type of cell. Body cells or somatic cells are duplicated by mitosis. Sex cells like ova and sperms are produced by meiosis.
Molecule Transport in Cells: There are two prime categories of transport of molecules in cells-active transport and passive transport. Macromolecules like polysaccharides, proteins and polynucleotides rely on active transport. There are two categories in active transport process- endocytosis and exocytosis. For smaller molecules like carbondioxide , ethanol and oxygen, molecules easily cross through the membrane through diffusion across a concentration gradient or passive transport.
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